KHCF and KHCC: A Center of Excellence with a Humanitarian Mission

Since its inception in 2001, the King Hussein Cancer Foundation (KHCF) and Center (KHCC) have been at the forefront of the fight against cancer in the Arab world. Founded by Princess Ghida, KHCF/KHCC serves as the cornerstone of regional cancer care, providing world-class treatment to cancer patients regardless of background or circumstance.


Responding to Regional Crises

From the very first day, KHCF/KHCC have pursued the twin missions of providing the most advanced cancer care, and making that care accessible to patients of all backgrounds. Central to KHCF/KHCC's humanitarian efforts in response to successive waves of conflict and instability in the region are the Goodwill Funds. These donation-based funds serve as a vital source of financial assistance for underprivileged patients, including refugees from Palestine, Iraq, Syria, and other countries throughout the region. These donation-supported funds enable KHCF/KHCC to cover treatment costs, provide essential medications, and ensure that no patient is turned away due to financial hardship. As of February 2024, KHCF/KHCC had raised over USD 176 million to cover the treatment of 5,800 patients.


KHCF/KHCC Response to the Gaza Crisis

In the wake of the ongoing crisis in Gaza, KHCF/KHCC has mobilized resources to evacuate pediatric cancer patients and treat them at KHCC. KHCF/KHCC has also coordinated with the Jordanian Air Force to airdrop essential medical supplies and equipment to hospitals in Gaza. To date, there are currently 35 patients evacuated from Gaza who are receiving treatment at KHCC thanks to the generous support of our donors.


KHCF/KHCC Response to the Lebanon Crisis

As Lebanon has grappled with a chronic economic and healthcare crisis, KHCF/KHCC has stepped up its support for cancer patients in the country. Since the Beirut port explosion of 2020, KHCF/KHCC has supplied over USD 3.1 million in cancer medications to 8 partner institutions across the country to ensure that cancer patients in Lebanon continue to receive lifesaving treatment despite the challenging circumstances.

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